Friday, May 22, 2009

Seeking Help Early Can Save A Marriage

A common issue among married couples, who are experiencing difficulties in their relationship, is the failure to seek help. Worse still some couples may stand idle just 'hoping' things will turn out ok, instead of looking for ways to save a marriage.

Some spouses may take a rather passive role in their relationship and fail to see when their marriage is in crisis. Marriages can break down gradually over time - it's this gradual deterioration that most spouses fail to see.

A frog sitting in a slow boiling pot, will remain unfortunately, until he's cooked. This is often why we fail to seek ways to save a marriage - the relationship breaks down without us even knowing it.

Conflicts can often be stopped or prevented quickly when the right action is taken. However, you and I know that rarely do we take action at the right time. You just need to look around you (or perhaps in your own relationship) to see that arguments needlessly go on before a spouse comes to their senses and begins their attempt to resolve their issues.

Other times it may seem impossible to come to any resolutions other than the possibility of divorce. What needs to be realized is that although this fight is between the couple in question, an outsiders help is sometimes needed. An expert that is, not a member of family and friend - Why? Because you need unbiased advice - someone who can analyze your relationship from both sides, to get to the core of the issue.

Couples with problems often undermine each others side of the argument. This can make it impossible to come to any resolution where both parties are happy. The littlest argument can turn into a raging battle, where neither spouse backs down or works to resolve, rather than fight. Unknowingly, the cat is released from the bag and hidden issues begin to emerge, creating a domino effect.

The spouses in a marriage are ultimately the ones that can save the marriage, however they are also the ones that can destroy it. Although they may know their relationship better than anyone else, it doesn't make them marriage experts. Meaning ways to repair a marriage in trouble must be sought if they are serious about saving their marriage.

Ways to save a marriage come in more ways, than in the form of a marriage counselor. Besides, not all spouses are willing to speak to a total stranger regarding their marriage issues. Although a marriage counselor can be of considerable help to a marriage in trouble, it is not necessary when there is alternative credible and expert advice available.

These sources give you ways to repair a marriage in trouble with a much more discrete and private manner. Recommendations of ways to save a marriage can be found online, in books and even through online consultations.


izeemoney said...

Nice article. Thanks for sharing :)

Unknown said...

Nice article, very interesting

kate said...

It's a cool article indeed. I like what I read in here. I very much agree that you have a bigger chance to save your marriage if you seek for marriage help earlier. Don't wait until your marriage problem becomes worse, and it will be harder for you and your partner to save your marriage.

I guess you just have to be responsible for our own marriage. If you think your marriage is not in good shape, the first thing to do is talk to your partner about it. Keep your communications open, and listen to each others' thoughts. Understanding and respect to each other should always be there too.

david biodun-kasumu said...

Izeemoney,thanks so much for your

david biodun-kasumu said...

Reetha am so grateful to you for being a faithful reader.

david biodun-kasumu said...

Kate,your comments show your agreement to the article.You are one of the few who believe that marriage can still work if the 2 involved can COMMUNICATE.We need to listen to the other party,patient,ready to apologize when wrong, and we also need to go the extra mile of loving to be loved!May God keep your marriage{Amen}!

Bimbo said...

Nice artice,very informative and interesting.

Reetha said...

Its very nice to see all those tips. very useful

reetha said...

I am waiting for your new article,, please UPDATE,, to day also im upd$ting becose of last weeks one day out

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Hopes that you will be back to my blog as well

Anamika said...

Nice Article. As the saying goes a stitch in time can save a dress from tearing.But what is unfortunate is that many people do not try much to save their marriage when trouble arises.

jeff said...

Thanks for the post. I also want to recommend this site that can help you during this tough times.Don't waste your time thinking of a solution visit this site now and get the best tips on what you can do to save your marriage not just for both of you but for your children as well.

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jay said...

Great post. Don't waste your time thinking of a solution visit this site now and get the best tips on what you can do to save your marriage not just for both of you but for your children as well.

Michael said...

If you are like me, you dont want to put a lot of other people in your business. But some things are best left to the pros.

Unknown said...
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Sunshine Suggs said...

Wow, good tips mentioned. I hope to take note of these. Thank you for sharing:)

Evangeline Maah said...

Great post! Don't leave any marital problem unattended. Treat it while it's not too late. Remember you have vowed to live with him for life. Thank you so much for those tips!

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marrage advice said...
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marrage advice said...

Your article is very informative. If you believe that you can make this work then go for it. Ask your husband if he would like to try counseling. If he says yes then the girl needs to move out of his house so you 2 can give it an honest try. Sounds like he was lonely always being gone with work and things got out of hand with this other woman. Also if you guys do get back together he needs to stop traveling so much. Save your marriage life with the help of